Bumble Bee Tracker
Inspired by designs that emerged from the late 60’s-early 70’s, the beginning of the shortboard revolution. The Bumble Bee Tracker is a beautiful mid-length board, with the wide point forward in the outline that reflects on the past and utilises modern features that is perfect to surf in trim. A low-mid rocker and roll vee bottom contours compliment the low 50/50 rail line with a hard edge toward the sleek rounded pin tail for modern influence. Can be ridden as a flex single to mingle or the reliable 2+1. The Bumble Bee will help surf the high line,driving with speed and in style. Evolution is inevitable, but why forget about the past?
Fin Setup: Single fin: box or glass-on fin.
Suitable for: Long, running point and reef breaks from 1ft-8ft.